global !p # thanks to gilles castel def math(): return vim.eval('vimtex#syntax#in_mathzone()') == '1' def env(name): [x,y] = vim.eval("vimtex#env#is_inside('" + name + "')") return x != '0' and y != '0' endglobal # General snippet beg "Begin / End" bA \\begin{$1} $2 \\end{$1}$0 endsnippet snippet pac "Package" b \usepackage[$1]{$2}$0 endsnippet snippet template "Basic template" b \documentclass[$1]{$2} $3 \begin{document} $0 \end{document} endsnippet snippet item "Itemize" bA \begin{itemize} \item $0 \end{itemize} endsnippet snippet enum "Enumerate" bA \begin{enumerate} \item $0 \end{enumerate} endsnippet snippet alph "Alphabet Enumerate" bA \begin{enumerate}[label= (\alph*)] \item $1 \end{enumerate} $0 endsnippet snippet desc "Description" bA \begin{description} \item[$1] $2 \end{description} $0 endsnippet snippet table "Table" b \begin{table}[${1:htpb}] \centering \caption{${2:caption}} \label{tab:${3:label}} \begin{tabular}{${5:c}} $6${5/((?<=.)c|l|r)|./(?1: & )/g} \end{tabular} \end{table} $0 endsnippet priority 100 snippet ... "Ldots" iA \ldots endsnippet snippet ~~ "Sim" iA \sim endsnippet # Math snippet sm "Math" wA $${1}$`!p if t[2] and t[2][0] not in [',', '.', '?', '-', ' ']: snip.rv = ' ' else: snip.rv = '' `$2 endsnippet snippet dm "Display Math" wA \[ $1 \] $0 endsnippet snippet ali "Align" bA \begin{align*} ${1:${VISUAL}} \end{align*} $0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet => "Implies" Ai \implies endsnippet context "math()" snippet =< "Implied by" Ai \impliedby endsnippet context "math()" snippet iff "Iff" Ai \iff endsnippet context "math()" snippet bm "Bm" Ai \bm{$1}$0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet sqrt "Square root" Ai \sqrt{$1}$0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet box "Boxed" Ai \boxed{$1}$0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet lll "L" iA \ell endsnippet context "math()" snippet xx "Cross" iA \times endsnippet priority 100 context "math()" snippet ** "Cdot" iA \cdot endsnippet context "math()" snippet norm "Norm" iA \|$1\|$0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet nabl "Nabla" iA \nabla endsnippet context "math()" snippet del "Nabla" iA \nabla endsnippet context "math()" snippet \\\ "Set minus" iA \setminus endsnippet context "math()" snippet mcal "mathcal" iA \mathcal{$1}$0 endsnippet priority 100 context "math()" snippet -> "To" iA \to endsnippet priority 200 context "math()" snippet <-> "Leftrightarrow" iA \leftrightarrow endsnippet context "math()" snippet !> "Maps to" iA \mapsto endsnippet context "math()" snippet set "Set" wA \left\\{ $1 \right\\} $0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet || "Mid" iA \mid endsnippet context "math()" snippet cc "Subset" iA \subset endsnippet context "math()" snippet notin "Not in" iA \not\in endsnippet priority 10 context "math()" snippet in "In" iA \in endsnippet context "math()" snippet NN "Natural" iA \N endsnippet context "math()" snippet Nn "Cap" iA \cap endsnippet context "math()" snippet isect "Cap" iA \cap endsnippet context "math()" snippet UU "Cup" iA \cup endsnippet context "math()" snippet union "Cup" iA \cup endsnippet context "math()" snippet uuu "Big cup" iA \bigcup{${1:i \in ${2: I}}} $0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet nnn "Big cap" iA \bigcap{${1:i \in ${2: I}}} $0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet OO "Empty Set" iA \varnothing endsnippet context "math()" snippet RR "Real" iA \R endsnippet context "math()" snippet QQ "Rational" iA \Q endsnippet context "math()" snippet ZZ "Integer" iA \Z endsnippet context "math()" snippet HH "H" iA \mathbb{H} endsnippet context "math()" snippet DD "D" iA \mathbb{D} endsnippet context "math()" snippet "Diamond" iA \diamond endsnippet context "math()" snippet '(?$0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet conj "Conjugate" iA \overline{$1}$0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet sr "Square" iA ^2 endsnippet context "math()" snippet cb "Cube" iA ^3 endsnippet context "math()" snippet invs "Inverse" iA ^{-1} endsnippet context "math()" snippet compl "Complement" iA ^{c} endsnippet context "math()" snippet tp "To the power" iA ^{$1}$0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet bp "Paren to the power" iA ^{($1)}$0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet sum "Bounded Sum" w \sum_{${1:n=${2:1}}}^{${3:\infty}} $3 endsnippet context "math()" snippet prod "Product" w \prod{${1:n=${2:1}}}^{${3:\infty}} $4 endsnippet context "math()" snippet ssum "Sum Symbol" w \sum $1 endsnippet context "math()" snippet lim "Limit" w \lim_{${1:n} \to ${2:\infty}} $0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet ooo "Infinity" iA \infty endsnippet context "math()" snippet limsup "Limit Supremum" w \limsup_{${1:n} \to ${2:\infty}} $0 endsnippet context "math()" snippet part "Partial Derivative" w \pdv[$1]{${2:v}}{${3:x}} $0 endsnippet priority 300 context "math()" snippet int "Definite Integral" w \int_{${1:-\infty}}^{${2:\infty}} $3 endsnippet priority 300 context "math()" snippet iint "Indefinite Integral" w \int $1 endsnippet context "math()" snippet <= "Less than or equal" iA \le endsnippet context "math()" snippet >= "Greater than or equal" iA \ge endsnippet context "math()" snippet >> "Greater greater" iA \gg endsnippet context "math()" snippet << "Less less" iA \ll endsnippet context "math()" snippet EE "There exists" iA \exists endsnippet context "math()" snippet AA "For all" iA \forall endsnippet snippet plot "Plot" w \begin{figure}[$1] \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ xmin= ${2:-10}, xmax= ${3:10}, ymin= ${4:-10}, ymax = ${5:10}, axis lines = middle, ] \addplot[domain=$2:$3, samples=${6:100}]{$7}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \caption{$8} \label{${9:$8}} \end{figure} $0 endsnippet snippet nn "Tikz node" w \node[$5] (${1/[^0-9a-zA-Z]//g}${2}) ${3:at (${4:0,0}) }{$${1}$}; $0 endsnippet snippet problem "Problem" iA \pbl{$1} $0 endsnippet # English snippet ltable "Long table" b \begin{longtable}{${1:|p{5cm}|p{10cm}|}} \hline $2 \hline \end{longtable} $0 endsnippet snippet --- "Hline" iA \hline endsnippet # Code snippet sc "Code" wA \texttt{${1}}`!p if t[2] and t[2][0] not in [',', '.', '?', '-', ' ']: snip.rv = ' ' else: snip.rv = '' `$2 endsnippet snippet dc "Display Code" wA \begin{minted}[$1] $2 \end{minted} $0 endsnippet snippet impc "Import Code" wA \inputminted{$1}{$2}$0 endsnippet