base_url = "" title = "Dawn Theme" compile_sass = false build_search_index = true [markdown] highlight_code = true [extra] # Optional - Sets the colorscheme based on base16: base00 is used for the background. #base00 = "#faf4ed" # Optional - Sets the colorscheme based on base16: base05 is used for the foreground text. #base05 = "#575279" # Optional - Sets the colorscheme based on base16: base0d is used for unvisited links. #base0d = "#286983" # Optional - Sets the colorscheme based on base16: base0e is used for visited links. #base0e = "#907aa9" # Optional - Sets the mimetype of the favicon. #favicon_mimetype = "image/png" # Optional - Set the favicon. #favicon = "/favicon.png" # Optional - Sets the text displayed as the title to be different. Default title is "Dawn Theme" #title_text = "Dawn Theme" # Required - Menu options for the hotlinks under the title. menu = [ { name = "tags", url = "$BASE_URL/tags" }, { name = "archive", url = "$BASE_URL/archive" }, { name = "about me", url = "$BASE_URL/about" } ]