# Dawn Theme A clean and fresh blog theme for zola inspired by [rose pine dawn](https://rosepinetheme.com/). Features: - Simple - Mobile Friendly - Supports pagination, tags, and summaries - Completely customizable colors ![Screenshot](screenshot.png) ## Usage ``` $ cd themes $ git clone https://git.evilmuff.in/evilmuffinha/dawn ``` Set the theme value in `config.toml` to `dawn`. This theme requires `tags` and also follows `rss`. ```toml taxonomies = [ {name = "tags", feed = true } ] ``` ## Customization This theme requires a menu option. Set the `menu` field in `extra`. ```toml menu = [ { name = "blog", url = "$BASE_URL" }, { name = "tags", url = "$BASE_URL/tags" }, { name = "archive", url = "$BASE_URL/archive" }, { name = "git", url = "https://git.evilmuff.in/evilmuffinha" }, ] ``` --- `author` is also required in extra for the copyright. ```toml author = "evilmuffinha" ``` ### Title Set the title with `title_text = "Dawn Theme"` in extra. ### Favicon Set a favicon with the `favicon` key. You can also change the mimetype with `favicon_mimetype`. ```toml favicon = "/favicon.png" favicon_mimetype = "image/png" ``` ### Colors Dawn has full css color support. You can set any `base` color to change where it is used. Dawn is based on the Rose Pine Dawn theme, but any base16 colorscheme can be used. ```toml base00 = "#faf4ed" # Used for background base03 = "#9893a5" # Used for horizontal lines base04 = "#797593" # Used for tag text base05 = "#575279" # Used for foreground base09 = "#ea9d34" # Used for quote highlight color base0c = "#56949f" # Used for title base0d = "#286983" # Used for unvisited links base0e = "#907aa9" # Used for visited links ``` ### Post View Navigation Postview navigation turns on navigation to previous or later posts after reading an article. ```toml enable_postview = true ``` If enabled, you must set the postview prompt to show at the bottom of the screen (it can be blank). ```toml postview_prompt = "Read more" ``` ### KaTeX Katex can be enabled with `katex_enable = true`. You may also want to turn on `katex_auto_render = true` to replace things in `$$` with LaTeX. ## Shortcodes The `katex()` shortcode can be used to render katex without autorender. This can be done as follows: - `{{ katex(body="3 + 4") }}` - `{{ katex(body="3 + 4", block=true) }}` The `image()` shortcode can be used to embed images in markdown as follows: `{{ image(src="/ferris.png", alt="Alternate text", position="left", style="width: 20%; height: 20%;") }}` Position can be either `left`, `center`, or `right`. Style allows you to embed css for the image. The `icaption()` shortcode allows you to add smaller italicized text for image decoration. Position works the same way as image and style can be used to embed css for the `div` holding the text. `{{ icaption(position="right" text="Yahallo!") }}` The `tikz()` shortcode can be used to embed tikzpicture code in latex. For example: `{{ tikz(style="width: 20%; height: 20%;" position="center" body="\begin{tikzpicture}\draw (0,0) circle (1in);\end{tikzpicture}") }}` Position works the same way as `image`. Style can be used to embed css for the `div` holding the tikz svg.