export default { home: { whatsNew: "What's New?", viewAll: "View All", SOTW: "Student of the Week", Grade: "Grade", Hobbies: "Hobbies", Achievements: "Achievements", Messages: "Messages", Announcements: "Announcements", noAnnouncements: "No Announcements", lunch: "Lunch Events", news: "News", shortcut: "Shortcut: ", seeLunch: "See Lunch Events", noNews: "No news for today", noAnnouncements: "No announcements for today", moreOn: "More on" }, dates: { today: "Today", past: "Past", future: "Future" }, app: { home: "Home", calendar: "Calendar", clubs: "Clubs", staff: "Staff", more: "More" }, calendar: { calendar: "Calendar", info: "Info", location: "Location", date: "Date", organizer: "Organizer", noEvents: "No Events" }, clubs: { searchClubs: "Search Clubs" }, staff: { searchStaff: "Search Staff" }, announcements: { noAnnouncements: "No Announcements" }, student: { Grade: "Grade", Hobbies: "Hobbies", Achievements: "Achievements", Messages: "Messages", }, lunch: { information: "Information", location: "Location", time: "Time of Event" }, ssl: { information: "Information", sponsor: "Sponsor", location: "Location" }, challenge: { link: "Link" }, polls: { textInPoll: "Press the image to take the poll!" }, more: { Announcements: "Announcements", Resources: "Resources", SOTW: "Student of the Week", lunch: "Lunch Events", ssl: "SSL Opportunities", COTW: "Challenge of the Week", Polls: "Polls", Settings: "Settings", More: "More" }, settings: { settings: "Settings", language: "Language", notifications: "Notifications", }, language: { SelectLanguage: "Select Language", English: "English", Spanish: "Spanish", note: "*App will reload on language change" }, notifications: { announcements: "Announcements", events: "Calendar Events" } }